Building Skills through Training therapy Animals

The project focuses on the role of students in developing animal-assisted therapies and the great impact the children can have on the practices.
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BUSTA /Building Skills through Training Animals/ will promote innovative and practical learning methods for students which have a real-world impact, by integrating animal therapy training. The project will aim at:
Empowering teachers to promote students’ talents through innovative pedagogy.
Empowering teachers to promote students’ active real-world participation and inclusiveness through awareness building and psycho-affective connection.
Empowering students’ capacity to develop curiosity, work with challenges and co-design creative solutions.
Empowering students’ capacity to use digital tools and content to exchange practices with partner schools.
The project developed 3 core results useful for anyone intersted in the field:
A documentary video reflecting upon the research process conducted by students: awareness activities to understand the content and purpose of each animal training as well as to understand the different types of disabilities supported by each therapy; and actions to identify the training needs of each partner as well as transfer knowledge and experience.
Impact & Reproductivity Report: assessment of the development of skills and analysis of the drivers and barriers to the up-scaling of this process
Guidelines on how to integrate skill-building in schools through animal training, targeted to: schools, animal therapy associations and organisations for persons with disabilities
The project gathers the following partners in order to reach its aims:
Lietuvos juru muziejus (coordinator) (Lithuania)
Klaipedos Marijos Montessori mokykla-darzelis (Lithuania)
Community for Democratic Education (Bulgaria)
Paint and Quarter Horse Foundation Bulgaria
Brussels Outdoor School (Belgium)
European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities
To ensure the project runs smoothly and we colaborate with all partners our staff attended the kick-off meeting of the project. The 2 day meeting took place in Brussels hosted by the BOS and EASPD.
In developing the first set of activities Paint and Quarter Horse Foundation Bugaria has invited the children from the Bulgarian Community for Democratic Education to learn about therpautic riding and get creative in training the therapy horses.
We organized 5 visits that aimed to introduce the children to the horses, give them the chance to observe a real therapy session, and contribute to the training process.
The 3 core projct results can be found below:
Watch the full documentary video reflecting upon the research process conducted by the students:
Check out the Impact & Reproductivity Report
Dowload the Guidelines on how to integrate skill-building in schools through animal training
Official number of the project: 2021-1-LT01-KA220-SCH-000034363 'This project is funded with the support of the European Commission. This publication reflects only the personal views of its author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for the use of the information contained therein.'